Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
SaRAh 4 Week Old
Posted by To NUr SArah AdrianA with LOve at 12:33 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
ScoRpiO BaBy
DO u Know according to my Horoscope,when scorpio baby born all eyes will focus on them,just like masa Sarah lahir semua Tengok Sarah.And that is exactly how it will Be for a long time to COME macam centre of attention kan and sucking up energy from everyone around. The Scorpio baby is a bit mysterious payah kan teka mengapa especially when Sarah start crying. To my parents and family sabar saja melayan kerenah Sarah ok…heheh..Furthermore me as a Scorpio baby is a powerful child.. and loathe lounging in dirty diapers so change me always coz this is the simple source of my discomfort.for that reason the scorpio baby should be watched closely as I also enjoy the crowd around me.So that’s about me the Scorpio Baby who is clever,wants things on my term and know how to get it…so Watch OUT ah..hehe…ok lah Sarah Kn Tido
Posted by To NUr SArah AdrianA with LOve at 11:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
bLiNG BLinG $$$$$..........
Hi i know....its Bling bling time...or in Malay Baby Mumy JarUM..heheh.and my first time wearing mini skirt.....dont blame sarah its all by my mum and Aunts..

Posted by To NUr SArah AdrianA with LOve at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 10, 2007
At ZeRo Month
As you all know im a New born baby and at this stage or during my first Month Sarah will wake every 2 to 4 hours and cry for milk after that sarah will go back to sleep and will spend two – third of my time sleeping….So TO all my Aunts Do Not kacau when Sarah sleeping ok…Sarah can hear your voice and can see things up to 30 to 40cm, so look at sarah gently and speak to sarah softly..jangan Gawah gawah ah..sarah inda suka tu…bising baH!!!....thats why im crying….
Sarah Stomach masa ni masih lagi kecil and I only need to be feed about once every three hours or eight times a day.SO just feed me as much as I want ok….not forgetting my Diapers must be changed my bidan2 yang jaga sarah jangan lupa ah…heheheh…
Posted by To NUr SArah AdrianA with LOve at 7:54 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
My PresenTs
Posted by To NUr SArah AdrianA with LOve at 7:44 AM 0 comments
SArah SUka Tidur
HAri hari sarah suKa tidur saja tapi kalau sarah lapar sarah wake up and cry dan terus minum susu...hheee...
Posted by To NUr SArah AdrianA with LOve at 2:33 AM 0 comments
Posted by To NUr SArah AdrianA with LOve at 1:44 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 5, 2007
My FIrst DAy
so lapas saja habis dari labour room sarah and mummy kena bawa masuk ward untuk rehat.Ramai yang datang lawat sarah tapi it was a bit bising dalam ward coz ada jua baby yang macam sarah lahir.siok nya ramai kawan sarah.The next day we moved to the 1st Class Ward.Yahoo..its a bot calm n not so much bising.I managed to get sleep well.Unfortunately sarah kena KUNING so terpaksa kena pancar with ultra light so that my KUning hilang.Well not just with the light can cure tapi my grandma ada mandi kan sarah with ubat cina yang boleh hilang kan kuning.The 1st time sarah mandi i was cried coz sejuk...ehhhe...after few days sarah and mumy Di Hospital kami balik ke rumah Madang...i feel more comfortable and calm bila balik rumah baru....i was welcomed and happy...ok lah nanti sarah cerita lagi ah..ani baru permulaan sarah buat blog.Nanti sudah basar makin banyak lagi kan di post jangan saja kawan kawan inda visit sarah punya blog ah....i will show u my picture masa sarah mula2 lahir ok...c ya...Love sarah always
Posted by To NUr SArah AdrianA with LOve at 10:56 PM 0 comments