Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Sarah 2 month OLD

Hi its me 2 month old now n sarah getting cuter everyday but yet still enjoy sleeping...

Saturday, December 8, 2007

After 40 Days

THis is what happened to sarah after 40 days(empat puloh hari)....mengikut pantang larang orang tua tua,baby yang lahir selepas ke 40 hari nya rambut nya mesti di cukur or di Botak kan untuk membuang segala barang barang yang tidak baik yang ada dalam badan. IT was done by one of my NEnek(ANjang Boy's Mother) and thanks to her,she done it well becoz i did not cry while she was shaving my head..No worries guys coz my hair will grow longer in few months time..i HOPE..hehe ..btw i also had a Manicure ..owh i feel so pampered

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

HAppY 25Th bDAY to AnjanG Dayat

Hi Anjang...Sarah wish anjang happy 25th bday .....semoga panjng umur murah rezeki n cepat cepat dapat baby so nanti sarah ada kawan ...

Saturday, December 1, 2007

IntRoducinG My CuziN

INtroduCIng KAKa Tasha Sarah's Cuzin...masa ambil gambar sarah tidur...biasa lah kan sarah suka tidur..heheh

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy One MOnTh OLd SaRaH

My Cutie BeaR - Glitter Graphics

Thursday, November 22, 2007

SaRAh 4 Week Old

Hi…sarah sudah 4 week old…syukur far so good sarah can handle things but still trying to familiarize some faces and sounds…sarah can track if you all move things side to side over sarah’s head. Tapi jangan hairan if sarah start talking like as COO,hMMmm..coz that is the way sarah express my feeling and sarah will be happy if ada respon back….sarah suka crowd and bising bising..ya I know..Why?TAK PERcaya kah..come and bet me..hehehi will keep silent eventually sleeping ehheeh..besides tidur sarah suka mandi…sarah will be calm and happy kalau kenamandi kan…hehehh….

Thursday, November 15, 2007

ScoRpiO BaBy

DO u Know according to my Horoscope,when scorpio baby born all eyes will focus on them,just like masa Sarah lahir semua Tengok Sarah.And that is exactly how it will Be for a long time to COME macam centre of attention kan and sucking up energy from everyone around. The Scorpio baby is a bit mysterious payah kan teka mengapa especially when Sarah start crying. To my parents and family sabar saja melayan kerenah Sarah ok…heheh..Furthermore me as a Scorpio baby is a powerful child.. and loathe lounging in dirty diapers so change me always coz this is the simple source of my discomfort.for that reason the scorpio baby should be watched closely as I also enjoy the crowd around me.So that’s about me the Scorpio Baby who is clever,wants things on my term and know how to get it…so Watch OUT ah..hehe…ok lah Sarah Kn Tido

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

bLiNG BLinG $$$$$..........

Hi i know....its Bling bling time...or in Malay Baby Mumy JarUM..heheh.and my first time wearing mini skirt.....dont blame sarah its all by my mum and Aunts..

Saturday, November 10, 2007

At ZeRo Month

As you all know im a New born baby and at this stage or during my first Month Sarah will wake every 2 to 4 hours and cry for milk after that sarah will go back to sleep and will spend two – third of my time sleeping….So TO all my Aunts Do Not kacau when Sarah sleeping ok…Sarah can hear your voice and can see things up to 30 to 40cm, so look at sarah gently and speak to sarah softly..jangan Gawah gawah ah..sarah inda suka tu…bising baH!!!....thats why im crying….

Sarah Stomach masa ni masih lagi kecil and I only need to be feed about once every three hours or eight times a day.SO just feed me as much as I want ok….not forgetting my Diapers must be changed my bidan2 yang jaga sarah jangan lupa ah…heheheh…

Thursday, November 8, 2007

INtroduCinG My PArents

MY BEloVed MUmmY

My BeloVed Daddy


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I aM 15 days Old

Today im 15days old n im keep on growing and changing.Kata orang tua tua we as a baby will keep on changing or berubah muka sebanyak 7 dont get shocking if im look like u..hhehe

My PresenTs

U Know what...i have many presents from my new family and friends...siok eh jadi babby ani...banyak kena bagi hadiah..macam macam ada hehe...i feel so lucky and bless

here i share with u all some of my presents ah..ada lagi yang inda sempat begambar...tapi sarah suka presents from uncle mmj553 ..hehehehhe......showing that im a girl and a girl shud deserve it..hehe..p.s..sorry uncle mmj553 ur gift nada dalam blog sarah..Terima kasih to u all yang bagi sarah hadiah ok...sarah suka sangat sangat....

SArah SUka Tidur

HAri hari sarah suKa tidur saja tapi kalau sarah lapar sarah wake up and cry dan terus minum susu...hheee...


YEs that is the name given to me by my beloved daddy and mummy..I lOVe and like this name alot. It has meaning and my family sudah buat research dalam buku nama nama anak islam.Nama Sarah Tu ada makna NUR maksud nya Chahaya,SArah makna nya TUlen dan Bersih dan juga sempena nama ISteri NAbi Ibrahim and Adriana ada lah Nisbah...i hope dengan nama yang kena bagi oleh my parents and family ani harap2 sarah akan menjadi seorang anak yang solehah,beguna,hormat dan taat orang tua,pintar,bijaksana dan cantik.AMIn Ya Rabil ALAmin...

Monday, November 5, 2007

My FIrst DAy

Hiii....i wish to welcome to myself to the new world..heheh..i was born on the 24th October 2007 at 12.24pm.My Name is Nur Sarah Adriana and u all can call me Sarah OR Adriana...its being along time my new family waited for me to see me come out to see this world.Masa sarah masih lagi di dalam my mum tummy i was so excited and cant wait to see new people and things, especially my mummy and daddy,my grannys,uncles,aunts and cousins.When the time had arrived finally sarah lahir ke bumi yang terang lagi bersuluh..hehe..rupa rupanya ramai yang tunggu sarah di luar labour room ani.That time all my new family waited for hours for me..Sian Kan..ada delay sikit masa kan lahir coz my mum 1st time in labour ehhe...i was so happy ramai yang tunggu sarah...

so lapas saja habis dari labour room sarah and mummy kena bawa masuk ward untuk rehat.Ramai yang datang lawat sarah tapi it was a bit bising dalam ward coz ada jua baby yang macam sarah lahir.siok nya ramai kawan sarah.The next day we moved to the 1st Class Ward.Yahoo..its a bot calm n not so much bising.I managed to get sleep well.Unfortunately sarah kena KUNING so terpaksa kena pancar with ultra light so that my KUning hilang.Well not just with the light can cure tapi my grandma ada mandi kan sarah with ubat cina yang boleh hilang kan kuning.The 1st time sarah mandi i was cried coz sejuk...ehhhe...after few days sarah and mumy Di Hospital kami balik ke rumah Madang...i feel more comfortable and calm bila balik rumah baru....i was welcomed and happy...ok lah nanti sarah cerita lagi ah..ani baru permulaan sarah buat blog.Nanti sudah basar makin banyak lagi kan di post jangan saja kawan kawan inda visit sarah punya blog ah....i will show u my picture masa sarah mula2 lahir ok...c ya...Love sarah always